Two publications in IJFAE


CEBaP researchers published two papers in the most recent issue of the International Journal of First Aid Education (IJFAE).

From November 2014 to December 2017, we investigated retention of first aid knowledge and skills in laypeople, in collaboration with the Nepal Red Cross Society. More than 500 people participated in this randomized controlled trial (RCT).
Not surprisingly, first aid knowledge and skills declined over time. However, attending a refresher course on first aid theory was associated with a lesser decay in first aid knowledge. Also, participants who followed a refresher course on first aid skills (either CPR + bleeding or CPR + fractures) had better skills retention over time than participants who dropped out from the study at year 1 (and missed the refresher course), but took the final test at year 2.
We conclude from our study that refresher courses have modest effects on first aid knowledge and skills, and support providing annual refreshers.


The second publication in IJFAE is a protocol paper on a RCT investigating the impact of simulated patients on knowledge, skills and attitudes of laypeople following a basic first aid course. In this ongoing study, we evaluate the added value of using simulated patients during basic first aid training.
We assess knowledge, skills and attitudes on the topics “first aid for burns” and “first aid for stroke” in both an intervention group (basic first aid training with simulated patients) and a control group (the same training, but without the use of simulated patients) by a questionnaire and practical skills test. Retention of knowledge and self-efficacy will be evaluated by a refresher course with follow-up questionnaire one year after the initial course.
The study will run until June 2020.

For more information, you can download the full papers from our website.