ILCOR face-to-face meeting


The mission of the International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation (ILCOR) is to identify and review international science and information relevant to cardiopulmonary resuscitation, emergency cardiovascular care and first aid, and to offer consensus on science and treatment recommendations. The evidence evaluation process is performed by different task forces.

CEBaP is represented in the First Aid Task Force and is working together with the Task Force on the development of several systematic reviews on first aid topics.

In the beginning of November, the yearly face-to-face meeting of all ILCOR task forces took place in Cape Town. During this meeting, the ongoing reviews, including 3 reviews conducted by CEBaP, were discussed and the Task Force moved forward to publishing several new systematic and scoping reviews on first aid topics.

Recently, the new yearly ILCOR summary statement was published, summarizing all new Consensus on Science and Treatment Recommendations on Resuscitation and First Aid topics that were developed during the past year.